Friday, August 7, 2009

The glass is half liar!

This is the headline of Ahram on July 29, 2009. See how cheerful it is? The financial crisis is over down here! Hurrayyy!

This is Al Masry Al Youm headline on the same date.

Comparing the two headlines, you'll find they're identical. Both say that the IMF had issued a report!

And they say the public media messes up the facts!! SUCKERS!

Wenta Malak?!!

Hi folks

It took me so long to start a blog. First off, I wanted my blog to be just for me; my own thoughts, memories, impressions. More like a diary. But then I thought it'd be stupid! Why would I share you guys in something so private to me, and so boring to you?!! Besides, I can have that in a word document! So it came down to this; it has to be something that's interesting to the public and myself as well-- NOT so easy to find! So I thought we'd share our opinions about little things we see in our daily life. And, of course, by sharing our opinions, I mean I'll share MY opinions! :D